  • Can you transcribe N.S.W. Birth Declarations?
    Marilyn Rowan has access to Birth Declarations for any birth that took place prior to 1912. For information on Birth Declarations see All About N.S.W. Birth Declarations.
  • Can you transcribe certificates in the latest index release?
    Yes, Marilyn Rowan can transcribe all Births more than 100 years ago, Marriages more than 50 years ago and Deaths more than 30 years ago. Any requests for records after these periods need to be directed to the Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.
  • How does Researcher Connect work?

    Researcher Connect is an initiative by NSW Family History Transcriptions to assist researchers by putting them in contact with others researching the same people.

    This service is free when you order from NSW Family History Transcriptions. If you order a certificate that another customer has previously ordered, it is therefore possible that each of the clients concerned are researching the same family.

    In order to facilitate contact between the parties, an email is then generated and sent to you and each person that has previously ordered that same certificate requesting permission for us to pass on your contact details to the other parties. Once you have returned your permission, we then email your details to the other parties. (We will also forward to you the details of other parties on receipt of their permission.)

    We do not pass on your details to any other person until we receive your permission to do so.

    Please note :- The matching of researchers is based on the reference number of the certificate ordered only. We do not match surnames or other details appearing on transcriptions.
  • How much info is on pre-1896 marriage records?
    Many pre-1896 marriages do not have complete information in the Registers. It is sometimes possible to obtain more information for these "incomplete" marriages from the Church Register. In 1876 it was the responsibility of the Minister performing a marriage to provide information to the registrar in order for the marriage to be registered. This is still the case today (ie minister or celebrant).

    Until 1896 it was not compulsory for the minister to supply the
    following details to the registrar:

    1. Birthplaces of Bride and Groom
    2. Ages of Bride and Groom
    Parents of Bride and Groom

    Many ministers did not bother sending this information in to the registrar (although, of course, some did). As a result, in the first half of the 20th century, the Registrar General, over time, copied the "missing" details from many of the parish registers into the NSW BDM register. Notes sometimes appear in the margin of the BDM entry, stating that Birthplace, Ages and Parents were added from the church register. All other details were recorded at the time of the original registration.

    The process of filling in the gaps was never completed, and there are still many entries with these details left blank. In those cases it is worthwhile contacting the church concerned to see if the parish register has any extra information. See All About NSW Marriages for more information.

    Rather than the NSW BDM registers having more information, for the pre 1896 period they actually often have less than the parish register. The transcriptions supplied are taken from the NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, not from the parish register. Notes referring to the parish register are actually in the NSW BDM register, and the note is transcribed along with all the other information which appears. It is exactly the same information as you would receive if you order an official certificate direct from the NSW BDM Registry.

    Before ordering transcriptions or official certificates, it might be worth keeping in mind that if you already have a copy of the parish register for a marriage, the NSW BDM registration is unlikely to have any additional information on it.
  • Is there a service like this in other Australian states?
    I am not aware of transcription services in states other than N.S.W. However, if you know of one, contact us and we will happily let others know.
  • What are the two letter codes on Church Records?
    The microfiche for Early Church Records often has a two letter code associated with the entry. Click here to view a list of the codes and their meanings.
  • What details do I need when requesting searches?
    First, see if you can locate the reference details for the certificate you are after from the NSW Birth, Death and Marriage Index at https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au
    If unsuccessful, please attach the following information to your order. This will save us having to contact you for more information and speed the delivery of your transactions. (Never assume there is only one "Joe Bloggs" that was born, died or married in the year you indicate)

    For Births and Deaths

    For Marriages

    - Surname - Grooms name
    - Given Names - Brides maiden name
    - Year of event - Year of event
    - Fathers’ Name - Place of registration
    - Mothers’ Name  
    - Place of registration  
  • What information can I expect in my transcript?
    All relevant family history information is provided in full transcripts, including informant’s name and address (if stated), witnesses for all certificates, and minister for marriages. Early Church Records (Volume Numbers) contain less information than registrations. Click here to see a selection of sample transcriptions.
  • What records do you access?
    The records viewed are those held at the Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages in Sydney Australia. These are digital images of the entries held in bound registers in Registration Number order (hence the importance of having the number). The records are the original entries in the register for Sydney Registration District, and the handwritten copy sent in by the District Registrars at the end of each quarter for other registration districts in NSW.

    A very few entries have deteriorated to the point where a typewritten copy has been made and the original register pages stored to prevent further damage. However, about 99% of the registers still contain the pages hand written by the Registrars decades ago.

    I have access to two different types of records:

    Early Church Records Baptisms, Marriages and burials 1788-1856 (and some records after 1856). Partial Transcripts and Single Item Checks are not available for these records, as they have only limited information on them.

    Civil registrations

    Births more than 100 years ago. Marriages more than 50 years ago and Deaths more than 30 years ago. Full Transcriptions, Partial Transcriptions, "Check & Verify" and Single Item transcriptions are available for these entries. There is usually significant genealogical information on these records.
  • Why are there duplications of pre-1856 events in the NSW Indexes?
    The NSW Registry was established in 1856. When created, the Registrar at the time ordered the indexing of events prior to the Registry’s establishment.
    Records of Baptisms, Burials and Marriages were obtained from the various denomination’s archives and recorded in the NSW Registry.
    The Registrar also recorded some records held in various parishes as well. This was a duplication of what was already held in the denomination’s archive hence the duplication of events given different index numbers.
    The rule-of-thumb is aim for the record with the highest volume number. That's the last set of numbers in the "V" reference details. (eg. V18042562 162B)
  • I can’t see my transcripts in my Gmail account?
    Many of our Gmail account holders contact us wondering when their transcripts are going to arrive in their inbox. This puzzles us as often, we had already sent them some time ago. This may be due to Gmail placing our messages under the All Mail, Spam or Trash labels. Please read the Gmail Help topic with regard to ensuring our messages end up in your Inbox. Also, check your Gmail account settings to ensure that legitimate mail is not marked as Spam. Instructions for doing this can be found under the Gmail Help topic "Legitimate mail is marked as Spam". Please look under your Spam label occasionally to ensure that no legitimate records are in under that label and adjust the message settings accordingly.
  • How can I get separate files for each of my transcripts?
    Files are sent in groups according to type. This is to speed delivery processes and minimise rejection from some email processes when it comes to too many files from large orders. PDF files can be separated using a free, online PDF separator at Click Here to go to the linked page.
  • What are the 3-digit codes appearing in the NSW BDM Index instead of the Distict name?
    For those trying to decipher the 3 digit codes that have been appearing on the post-1975 records in the NSW BDM index where the District name used to be, Click Here to see a list.
  • How do I correct the information on a certificate?
    As Authorised Transcription Agents, we can only transcribe the information presented on the certificate held at the NSW Registry.
    We do not have the authority or ability to change or correct information in the Registers.
    If you wish to correct an entry, you will need to take the matter up with the NSW Registry itself.
    See www.nsw.gov.au/family-and-relationships/name-changes-and-corrections for more information.
  • Can I post a Transcription I receive onto other sites?
    You can paste it directly onto other sites so long as our transcript footer is included. This way, the viewer has a way to contact us should questions arise.

    You can also cite it as a "Direct transcription of a NSW BDM Registry entry by NSW Family History Transcriptions Pty Ltd"

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(All prices indicated are Australian Dollars and are inclusive of GST)
Office Hours:- 10:00am to 4:00pm Monday to Friday. Closed Weekends and NSW Public Holidays
Deliveries are closed from 23rd Dec to the second Monday of January each year however, orders are still accepted via online ordering at these times.

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